Love Jesus. Love People. Make Disciples.

Welcome to Crossroads North River

What should church be? The Bible says it is both the body and bride of Christ, (Ephesians 1:22-23, Colossians 1:24; Ephesians 5:25-27, Revelation 19:7-9). Our mission statement is simple: Love Jesus. Love People. Make Disciples. If you have a church, go and serve like you mean it. If not, join us!

Love Jesus

Jesus said if we love Him, we will keep His commandments, (John 14:15). The Greatest Commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul & mind & to love our neighbor as ourself, (Matthew 22:37-39).

Love People

Romans 13:8 instructs us to let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.

Make Disciples

John 13:34-35 Jesus commands us to love one another. It’s how the world knows we are His disciples. We want to create an atmosphere of love & acceptance while holding one another accountable to the Word of God.



Crossroads north river

I'm New Here. What's Next?

God draws people to Himself in many ways and finding a good church with solid biblical teaching isn’t always easy. We want to make it easy for you to discover your God-given gifts and His will for your life. Here’s some resources:

Crossroads North River Community

Get Involved


North River takes the Great Commission seriously. The last thing Jesus said before ascending into heaven was to be His witnesses locally & to the ends of the earth. 25 cents of every dollar given goes straight to local, regional, national, & international missions who rescue the persisting, care for the dying & spread the Good News of Jesus.

Building Relationships

Many local families have special needs or home repairs that they cannot afford or are not able to complete themselves. Building Relationship is part of our Benevolence mission to fill in some of those need locally. From handicap ramps to minor home repair, we want to be present for those with needs greater than their means.


North River Navigators is a blanket name for all of our children’s and youth programs. From newborns to seniors in high school, we have something for each age group.

Crossroads North River

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us!

Love Jesus. Love People. Make Disciples.

Our Calendar

Our Sunday

Messages & Archives

A great way to see what a church is about is to see what they teach. Here’s an archive of past messages as well as our Sunday Journey class. A treasure trove of biblical teaching!